Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Observations of USA

Now my daughter asks me all the time how i feel about America, what is my opinion.  

Its a great country. 

Any body from anywhere wants to come to America. 
Growing up I have my acquaintance with America only through the Span magazine which i used to read and see the beautiful photographs enthusiastically at the age of sixteen and later my sister who lived here for thirty years used to tell me about America. 

So for me America is well known place mentally.  I am not judging here any thing. A view point of a house wife who has keen interest, and critical about things and compares it with India thats all.

Politically what other countries feel about America is not the topic here. I have travelled well in India. I have a scrutinizing way of seeing things. You can say its a habit. In fact many of my daughter's friends asked me what do u feel about America. I had my own thinking in my mind but never thought of putting them in black and white. now here for four months stay, i should be able to see how, and what. 

Ya! i have my own observations. Scams, Bribery, Miss use, etc all these are there in every country in a higher level. I suppose it may be birth right of the people who are in the power. Here i am not talking  about of that. Basically how small things run, how easy or livable conditions are in a country. 

Here there is road sense of course, the beautiful roads, following, and abiding the law are immediately visible to a person who comes to this country. The people are very cheerful any time of the day also they wish u, even u do not know them. The work culture is very good. Any work will be done in a sinsear manner. Because I am involved in construction work in India of my father's house and my house so i know very clearly how painful it is to get done a repair. Here i have witnessed the bath room work ,  cabinet work  was done in such a methodical manner in my daughter's place after few days of my arrival. For me it was an amazing thing. In India for the same job, what all one has to face, how long one has to wait to get it done. either they do not answer the cell or promise to come and do not turn up, one does not know how long to wait. 

One more thing i liked in US is, where ever one goes you find the written sign boards which help you to travel easily, even in shopping molls.  just follow the given instructions u will reach. There may be one or two failures. Here i am talking only the general flow of life which is easy. All over the country it is same, which gives me a good feeling. may be that is the reason many Indians do not want to go back to their country. Out wardly they may not accept it, after all the Indian pride you see. For me the facts are important. I see from that perspective. 

I also appreciate the people who struggle and come up on their own to higher levels. They participate in lots of activities, prove themselves. I cannot go on giving examples for that but I do know a few people who have done wonders but the sad part is in India they do not do or achieve like this. Here the same indians are doing very well, not only in job in other aspects. I do not blame any one, maybe in India the lack of opportunities, encouragement etc come into the way, i suppose. 

On the other hand, i saw people are very practical. I did not see, showing any over compasionate feelings more than required. I think they feel it is not necessary to express overly feeling for one another. They are on their own. I can understand this because of their living alone or surviving on their own from very young age but in India, it is other way round. Parents protect the children till they settle, a girl untill marrage, a boy till he gets a job. families meeting and  spending days together talking, eating.. is very high in India. Its a way of life.  

One odd thing I felt and did not like is about paying your own bill when you were invited for a party at a restaurant! For this also my daughter enlightened the reasons behind it but I still do not accept this.
Plus they make a big deal about small things, when i went to Outer Banks they warned me about climbing the lighthouse, it was sooo easy but they were afraid for my age but in Hyderabad, to climb Charminar, it is more dangerous but no one cares!

Overall I liked America very much and I will definitely visit again.
I have not yet seen the Grand canyon so....  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you also said that you liked how the women were so independent here and that you would like to be like that...except they kept wanting a 'man' which you thought was silly...
